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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Test Code MSQUAD  Maternal Quad Screen, Serum, LAB2270

Important Note

Please accompany sample with Iowa Maternal Screen Test Request Form.


Serum sample drawn between 15 weeks 0 days-20 weeks 6 days.

Following information is required for test interpretation: patient's date of birth, current weight, Ultrasound date AND measurement, and/or LMP information to date the pregnancy, number of fetuses, patient's race, if patient requires insulin, and if there is a known family history of neural tube defects. If IVF pregnancy, the age of the egg donor at time of egg retrieval. Detection rates: 79% Down syndrome 80% Trisomy 18 85% neural tube defects False positive rate: 3.5%.

Performing Laboratory

State Hygienic Laboratory (SHL)-Iowa City

Specimen Requirements

Container/Tube: Gold-top serum gel tube or plain, red-top tube

Specimen: 1 mL  of serum

Transport Temperature: Refrigerate

Collection Instructions: Specimen cannot be frozen.

Note: Testing range must be between 15 weeks 0 days - 20 weeks 6 days gestation to be acceptable.

Reference Values

MoM values for AFP (NTD screen), hCG, Estriol, Inhibin Risk Values for Down syndrome and trisomy 18 Screen Cutoff established for test Interpretation/Recommended Action: Negative / No further action Positive / Level II Ultrasound, counseling and consideration for diagnostic testing.

Day(s) Test Set Up

Monday through Friday


Tests Maternal Serum for AFP, Estriol, hCG, and Inhibin A to Assess Risk of Fetal Abnormalities

Test Classification and CPT Coding



84702-Gonadotropin, chorionic (hCG), quantitative

86336-Inhibin A